A Letter to the Ancient Old, Old, Old, Old, Old Ones

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    A Letter to the Ancient Old, Old, Old, Old, Old Ones

    To the Old Ones – the ancient of ancients, you will know who you are when you find this letter. What would I say to you if we never had a chance to meet? This call is going out across the universes, like Transformers in the movies.

    This message is a little different but an invitation just the same. Wake up now! We need you now! I need you now! The time is now! This planet is ready for you to step into who you really are now! We are destined to do great things. We have died many times for our differences, beliefs, honesty, gifts, etc.But this world is so different now! We are safe to be US now. Unique times we are living in that is why we chose to be here at this critical time. Now more than ever, our “special ness” is safe to be shared, even celebrated. Now is the time to be who you really are!!!! Let people see who you really are! Embrace yourself, your gifts and commit to doing what you came here to do!I guess I should share some truths about myself, see if any or all of this resonates with you too. I always felt special but kept that to myself. I waited for someone to see me underneath my Teflon steel armor of invisibility.

    For me unshielding myself has been an uncomfortable process but worthwhile. I’ve always felt like I didn’t fit in and this world was a dangerous place for me to be. I’ve always been an explorer and a rule breaker. I craved newness and magic, original thoughts, extraordinary anything. I always had a huge love for beings of all shapes and forms and felt compelled to assist whenever I was able. Time and money seemed meaningless to me. This is what I believe - we are HUGE SPIRIT BEINGS with such a capacity for LOVE and GREATNESS. On soul levels we are older than old old old. We have a core of ancient wisdom that gives us unique insights into anything and everything. People tend to listen to us because on an energetic level they can feel our experience and understanding. Nothing really surprises us and we can relate to most experiences even if we’ve never consciously been through it before. We are very, very special in our diversity – what makes us different is the reason we are so UNIQUE! Rules do not apply to us and we have this innate knowingness to us and instinct that when followed make life way more interesting and miraculous. We have access to more guides and helpers. We can evolve quicker and skip steps. For me this planet has been a place of loneliness. I have felt a heart sick longing to find others like me – old, old, old ones. I and others are watching for you and waiting for you.

    There are people that their roles here are assisting beings like us to do what we came here to do! You are like me – you’re like us! We need you – I need you! When we are together our gifts magnify – we multiply each other’s aspects. We feel safe and seen and loved and supported and useful and inspired. When we are connected and especially in close proximity, our life feels more right and things make sense. We can do miraculous things, beyond our wildest dreams!I’m asking you to step in! We need you to be who you really are. You’ve been officially invited to come out and play! This letter was intended to go places I physically am not yet and find you. You have been identified and found – it is up to you to accept the invitation or wait for a different lifetime. I would love to play with you soon! We are waiting for you as much as you have been waiting for us! Tag you’re it! Now come find us!!!!!!! Love Hillory